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Wildlife & Biodiversity

Victoria Square is home to a significant number of animals. This page will help you to identify what you might see.
If you've spotted something at The Square we've not listed, why not Tell Us. You can do so via our Facebook Page, Instagram or Contact Us. If you've managed to capture a picture or video, why not also include that.


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Evidence of bat activity has been seen in the surrounding streets, but nothing recorded in The Square yet

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Evidence of fox activity has been seen in the surrounding streets, but nothing recorded in The Square yet

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Squirrels are in abundance around The Square. They are known to be quite tame in that they will approach you if they think you have food.

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Field Mice

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Black Birds, Crows, Magpies, Jays, Robbins, Thrushes, Wrens, Pigeons, Doves, Seagulls, Sparrows, House Sparrows, Birds of Pray, Owls

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Amphibians & Reptiles
Toads, Snakes, Slow worms, Lizards, Frogs

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Insects Butterflies, Moths, Caterpillars, Ants, Flies, Ladybirds, Aphids, Dragon Flies
Arachnids, Spiders, harvestmen
Annelids - Worms,

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Friends of Victoria Square is a sub-group of The Penarth Civic Societyand are covered by their charity number 1182348*

Unless stated otherwise, all information on this website is ©2019-Present Friends of Victoria Square.

The content of this website is created & managed by volunteer members of FoVS.

With thanks to Emma Cahill of Socially Aware for creating the initial site and training our volunteers in how to edit it.

*Friends of Victoria Square are not responsible for the content of external websites, documents or other items we do not have specific control over but choose to link to in good faith.

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Funded by:

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 & working in collaboration with:

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Penarth Civic Society Time Changed copy.jpg

Last Site Update 19/12/23

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